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Consultation and Project Management

Do you need help with jumpstarting a local project?  Need some expertise in recruiting and training volunteers?  Maybe a troubling environmental challenge on your private property or park that could use some advise or a remediation plan?Take a look at some of April's more recent projects... How might she help your organization?

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USDA Visual Stream Assessment

In 2018, April served as the volunteer coordinator for a USDA visual stream assessment of Little Sewickley Creek (Allegheny Co., PA) with Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc.. 


April recruited/managed over 38+ volunteers for this year-long effort during which 175 stream reaches were assessed and scored.


A total 63 field excursions were logged with volunteers who took 2,737 photos (along with GPS data) highlighting areas of environmental concern along 26 miles of stream length. 


Results will be used to design future projects (Stream bank restorations, riparian plantings etc..) to improve the physical, biological and chemical aspects of the watershed long term.

April presented her research with former intern (Adehl Schwaderer – Robert Morris University, graduate 2017) at the 2018 PA Chapter of the Wildlife Society annual conference.


This poster presentation highlights amphibian research conducted in conjunction with a full-scale wetland restoration project in Bell Acres, PA.  April worked with members of the Little Sewickley Creek Watershed Association and the Allegheny County Conservation District to secure the funds and organize volunteers for the project.


This effort helped to restore a previously damaged wetland into a viable breeding habitat for several amphibian species, including the Jefferson salamander, which is currently a species of special concern in PA.   April helped to write the grant for this 2015 project and organized the contractors, heavy equipment and volunteers to get the job done.  Partners/volunteers on this project included staff from Bell Acres borough, Sewickley Heights borough, Western PA Conservancy, Creek Connections, Quaker Valley high school, Fern Hollow Nature Center, Robert Morris University and the LSCWA. 


The site is now protected in perpetuity under a conservation easement and will serve as an outdoor laboratory for education and research, as well as a viable breeding pond for amphibians, for years to come.  The wetlands is currently used by educators from both Fern Hollow Nature Center staff and Robert Morris University.









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Amphibian Wetland Restoration

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